Membership Rules
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To become a member of Grace Co-op Credit Union one must:

Qualification for Membership
Membership in the Credit Union shall be limited to individuals who have attained
Sixteen (16) years of age in the following categories:
• All employees of GraceKennedy Limited, its subsidiaries, associated and managed companies, and their immediate families;
• All employees of Grace Co-operative Credit Union Limited and their immediate families;
• All pensioners of GraceKennedy Limited, its subsidiaries, associates, managed companies, and their immediate families;
• All pensioners of Grace Co-operative Credit Union Limited and their immediate families;
• All former employees of GraceKennedy Limited or its subsidiaries (“the GraceKennedy Group”) who separate from the GraceKennedy Group as at July 8,2015 other than by reason of dismissal or other disciplinary action arising from theft, fraud or other dishonest conduct;
• Self-employed persons in the following categories:
Van Salesmen having contracts for services with GraceKennedy Limited and/or its subsidiaries; Truckers having current contracts for services with GraceKennedy Limited and/or its subsidiaries;
Such other self-employed service providers to the GraceKennedy Group as the Board of the Credit Union may approve from time to time.
• Full-time employees who have been confirmed in permanent employment with the following registered companies that provide manpower and other services to business units within GraceKennedy Limited and/or its subsidiaries on a contractual basis provided that upon termination or expiry of the contractual arrangement between the listed entities and the GraceKennedy Group no new members to the Credit Union will be permitted from among the employees of these contracted entities;
TTech Limited;
Logistical Distribution Services Limited;
Such other registered entities that are contractual service providers to the GraceKennedy Group.
"Employees" in relation to any entity within the GraceKennedy Group comprise permanent as well as temporary/fixed-termed employees who have completed a minimum of twelve (12) months' continuous service with GraceKennedy Limited, its subsidiaries, associates, or managed companies.
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